GNFC Pool drive at L.D.Engg.College, Ahmedabad.
Dear Students,
GNFC Pool drive at L.D.Engg.College, Ahemedabad
for diploma engg students will be jointly coordinated by
Placement Cell of LDCE, Ahmedabad and Government Polytechnic, Ahmedabad.
Ø The dates for placements
will be 30th
and 31st march 2015 at, Ahmedabad.
Ø The
eligible branch:
Ø The eligibility criteria:
Students have CPI up to 5th sem
>6.5 and no live backlogs.
Student must be studying in final
semester of diploma and going to pass in june-july 2015.
Ø The selected candidates will have to
execute a "Training-cum-Service Agreement" for the period of 5 years
with bond of Rs. 2.5 lacs.
Ø You will receive hall tickets on or before 27/3/2015.
Conditions for GETs
Conditions for DETs
1st year : On training – Stipend of Rs. 15,000/-
per month (Total CTC – Rs.2.34 lacs)
Another 2 years :
on Company’s Contract
o During
1st Year of Contract : Consolidated
Salary of Rs. 17,000/- (Total CTC – Rs.4.46
o During
2nd Year of Contract : Consolidated Salary of Rs.21,000/- (Total
CTC – Rs.5.22 Lacs)
Upon successful completion of of two years of
Company’s contract period – absorption on Company’s
Roll in Officer Cadre grade GREO-08 on total approx. CTC of Rs.9.36 lacs per
The selected candidates will have to execute one
year training + three years service agreement (i.e. total 4 years of bond)
for an amount of Rs.2.5 lacs at the time of joining the Traineeship with
provision of retention of 5% amount of salary [i.e Stipend / Consolidated
Salary / Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance + Personal Pay (if any)] during the
period of Bond, by the Company.
completion of the Bond period, the amount retained by the Company will be
refunded with interest to concerned candidate.
1st year : On training – Stipend of Rs. 8,000/-
per month (Total CTC – Rs.1.33 lacs)
Another 2 years :
on Company’s Contract
o During
1st Year of Contract : Consolidated
Salary of Rs. 12,000/- (Total CTC – Rs.2.69
o During
2nd Year of Contract : Consolidated Salary of Rs.18,000/- (Total
CTC – Rs.3.66 Lacs)
Upon successful completion of two years of Company’s
contract period – absorption on Company’s
Roll in Staff Cadre grade GRES-07 on total approx. CTC of Rs. 6.75 lacs per
The selected candidates will have to execute one
year training + three years service agreement (i.e. total 4 years of bond) for
an amount of Rs.2.5 lacs at the time of joining the Traineeship with
provision of retention of 5% amount of salary [i.e Stipend / Consolidated
Salary / Basic Pay + Dearness Allowance + Personal Pay (if any)] during the
period of Bond, by the Company.
completion of the Bond period, the amount retained by the Company will be
refunded with interest to concerned candidate.
Thanks & Regards:
Training & Placement Cell
Shri K J Polytechnic,